
Tuesday, January 22, 2013


This guy on the phone for work purposes, but probably mostly looking for the neighborhood orange cat that hangs out on the fence outside our apartment.  
 Three winters here and I still can't get over how amazing the weather is.  Or how green and lush everything is.  It just doesn't get old.  Have you ever lived somewhere where your soul just sings?  Northern California does that for me.  It gives me the coziest feeling.  Anyway, I took these photos on a typical morning.  I get up and make coffee and/or tea right away, and usually start a really simple breakfast: sprouted wheat toast with peanut butter and banana or some oatmeal concoction.  I wake up starving most days.  I've never been one of those people who can't eat in the morning.  I can't wake up if I don't eat right away!  Raf typically gets started with work, then we eat breakfast together (and sometimes catch up on a Daily Show online), and then part ways to start our day.  I have been really digging steel cut oats lately.  We ate them a bunch in England (Scottish oats) and they definitely give me the fuel I need to last until lunch time, especially if I'm heading to the gym.  They are chewy and creamy and go well with just about anything you can imagine on top.  We almost always eat it with some type of nut and fresh fruit, a bit of Greek yogurt, maple syrup and flax or chia seeds on top.  This batch was particularly good:  oats, raw slivered almonds, banana, Greek yogurt and chia seeds.  Simple and delicious!

Really, really good texture.

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