
Sunday, January 20, 2013


Geez.  I have been so sick these past 5 days.  I haven't had a cold this bad since my first year of teaching (first year teachers, exposed to more germs than their bodies have ever known, notoriously get sick all the time).  I'd like to think that my super-teacher immune system along with a healthy vegetarian diet, exercise, and acupuncture are what usually save me.  But this time around I got a doozy.  I won't go on much longer about it, but I think the worst thing (besides the becoming an incessant mouth breather...ew) is the lack of energy I've had.  I have all these grand ideas of how my day will go and then, honestly, taking a bath ends up being a lot of work (see post-shower exhaustion/dilirium below :).

Anyway, I am certainly on the mend and feeling much more like myself tonight as I sit here and type this.  I was recently looking at pictures on my phone and camera that I have been meaning to share and I stumbled upon these beauties.  Raf and I tried dragon fruit a little while back.  They are beautiful and so weird.  I love how many exotic fruits are available around here, but I'm usually too scared to try it (ummm... durian anyone?? yuk!)  Dragon fruit ended up not having a very intense flavor, and the seeds were reminiscent of a kiwi's in texture.  But my oh my, aren't they pretty?  I had no idea what they would look like inside.  I googled how to eat them and you just scoop the flesh out with a spoon.  Not super delicious, but definitely nice.  Okay, off to bed and fingers crossed that tomorrow I will feel even more like myself!

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