
Monday, June 11, 2012


I'm a sucker for funny signs.  I always have a camera ready, because there is comedic gold everywhere you turn!  Here are a few of my favorites:

 This is near Point Reyes Station here in the Bay Area.  We had to pull over on our way to the beach to get a shot of this one!  Wha?

This was on the bathroom wall at one of my favorite Thai restaurants in Berkeley.  I'm glad I got a photo because this one was long gone the next time I went there!

 This one was in a rest stop bathroom in upstate New York.  I was cracking up when I walked out and got a peek at the poor teenage boys working the counter at McDonald's.  I'm sure it is just what they want to deal with...   :)

This is my all time favorite, hands down.  I found this beauty taped to my young nephew's bedroom amazing!

Happy Monday!  xo, Jenn


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Angela! I bet you have come across/photographed some good ones along the way too, no? :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Every time I see the last one I can't stop laughing... So good!
