
Sunday, October 14, 2012


 We had only one sunny day in Amsterdam so far, other than that rain, rain and more rain!  The lovely day was the first day we arrived, and poor Raf had to work most of it indoors.  I took advantage of the weather and walked a bunch near our hotel.  My main goals were to go to the flea market and to eat frites.  I succeeded at accomplishing both :)  The Waterloopleinmarkt was first on my list.  It is a mixture of vintage items (clothes and housewares), regular second hand clothing (in piles, it's crazy), new, locally designed clothes and jewelry, touristy stuff (clogs, windmills, cannabis themed goods, and red light district/sex themed stuff),food and I guess just a mish-mosh of other randoms.  It was really, really fun to look around.  I ended up scoring the perfect vintage sweater!  It is from Northern Austria and is from the 1960's.  I LOVE it!  I think I got some pretty good photos to capture the essence of it all.  :)

A variety of religious doo dads.

Delft pottery-style clogs, wind mills, etc.

Your standard tourist wooden clogs.

Antique dog door stoppers, salt and pepper shakers, and signs.  And you know, your standard phallic bottle openers.  Ha.

Tons of second hand shoes on the ground.

Frites!  Basically thick cut fries with delicious Dutch mayo.  And I really don't typically like mayo-- this stuff is not like American yuk-mayo.  More thick and cheese like.

Menu with variety of sauces for your frites.
So many yums!  I opted for the Dutch mayo AND ketchup.  I like how they come in a paper cone with a tiny fork!

Pretty wooden tulips.

Basket of random stuff.

Clothes pile.  LOTS of good stuff.  Lots of vintage.

Hooray!  My new sweater!

Close up of this beauty...sigh...

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