
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Amos striking a rock star pose.
 A popular thing to do here in Cambridge is punting down the river Cam.  I had never heard of this before living here.  "A punt is a flat-bottomed boat with a square-cut bow, designed for use in small rivers or other shallow water. Punting refers to boating in a punt. The punter generally propels the punt by pushing against the river bed with a pole. A punt should not be confused with a gondola, which is propelled by an oar rather than a pole."

There are many punting tour companies in the city, and when walking around, you will most certainly be inundated with offers for a tour.  We are lucky though because our new friend, Amos offered to take us punting recently.  He was a student here at the University and has an affiliation with Trinity College, so he is able to use their boats.  We had a beautiful and sunny fall day, so five of us headed out on the river for the afternoon.  It was lovely and so relaxing!

I love this shot of Amos :)

Poor Ian with sun in his eyes.

One of the many bridges.


Part of Trinity College.

No docking your boat on their fancy pants property!  Okay?

Near collision.  A common occurrence, along with actual collisions.

They really don't want you on their lawns.

Pretty bridge (of one of the colleges) and the tops of Greg and Ian's heads.


Isn't this building beautiful?  The leaves on it were so strikingly red.

I believe it is part of St. John's College.

This friend was circling our boat, quacking away, looking for a party (or maybe just some party food).

Around to the other side of the boat...

Raf at the helm!  He did a good job (only got his head stuck in a tree once, and only almost decapitated by a bridge).  I shouldn't even tease though because I didn't even try and it is hard!  Especially with all of the other inexperienced punters to dodge...

Woo hoo!

Just a couple of dudes, relaxing on a sunny day on a boat on the river :)


King's College.

King's College again.  The prettiest of them all.


  1. I've fallen into the Thames twice while punting. Well done.

    If you get a chance, please visit New College in Oxford. It's absolutely gorgeous and there's a bar underground in the center that's over 600 years old. I studied there for two months in the summer of 1997. An absolutely amazing experience. Love that you get to spend some quality time in England!

  2. Funny!

    Sounds like my kind of place--if we get to Oxford on this trip, I PROMISE we will go there! :) I went to an amazing pub in Oxford in 2004 that you could only walk or ride your bike to and it was a walk along the river, and then a ways down a path...most amazing place ever. It was in February and it was freezing and walking into that old place with a roaring fire and ordering a pint was the best!
