
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Fruits/fruit salad.
Super sweet Zoe, kitchen leader extraordinaire!

So, we are coming to the end of our time in Cambridge.  I had some big plans for how I was going to spend my time when I was here, and some of them I very much accomplished and some not at all.  I was hoping to get involved in local theater, only to find out that in this University town, most productions are cast the semester before and it isn't easy/open to audition for anything.  I had hoped to substitute teach (I did have a work visa after all), but the agencies I contacted told me that there was a minimum of six weeks to wait for a new teacher's security clearance to go through.  And honestly, it is pretty hard to find anyone willing to hire and train you to work part time for three months.  But, I did make jewelry, join a really nice local gym and go most days of the week, meditate often in the sauna at said gym, explore this city by bike and foot, frequent many markets and learn about local food here, and cook almost every single day!  Oh, and I also checked one more thing off of my list of what I wanted to do in Cambridge: volunteer at a really cool organization.  I found a place called Food Cycle through the local Gum Tree (like Craigslist) and it was totally up my alley.  Their mission is totally kick ass: "Welcome to FoodCycle, we combine volunteers, surplus food and a free kitchen space to create nutritious meals for people affected by food poverty in the UK and positive social change in the community."  I couldn't believe my good fortune when I arrived early that first Saturday morning, geared up to cook food (barely bruised fruits, just expired bread, slightly limp vegetables) that was destined for a landfill-- creating a delicious 4 course meal (that I was allowed to have some creative say in!).  The little commercial kitchen space at a local church was awesome, the other cooks were awesome, the food turned out awesome, and the patrons were-- yep, you guessed it-- awesome!  The best part was sitting down to eat with the folks that came for the meal and getting to chat with people from all walks of life in my new community.  I cannot say enough good things about this organization and the people running it.  Such a wonderful experience that I will certainly remember!  I am definitely going to see what Berkeley has to offer like this when I get home!  xo.

Awesome, hungry guests.

AMAZING parsnip soup.  I mean...seriously.

Roasted parsnips...I will be making these more often.

Sweet volunteer ladies serving up the goods.


Stuffed cabbage good.

Weirdest, most delicious dessert.  A crumble made with doughnuts-- say what!?

So much chopping.

The donated ingredients and cookbook inspiration.  P.S.  the meals are ALWAYS vegetarian-- hooray!

Chop, chop!

DELICIOUS and flavorful white nectarines for the stone fruit crisp.

Getting close to meal time...

I made focaccia!  Yay!


Monday, October 29, 2012


We had a special Saturday a few weekends ago walking around the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens.  We love plants and walking around and admiring them is one of our favorite things to do together.  It was a sunny but chilly day.  Thank goodness for a little cafe with hot chai tea lattes!  We brought a picnic and spread it out on a bench in the sun.  It was a very, very nice day.

Raf took a shining to the chair in the children's garden.  I think it brought out his serious side.

Look at this tree!  It looks like curly kale on a trunk!

I really enjoyed this tree.  I believe it is a native of California.  Go figure.

Wildflower garden!

Wildflower garden bordered by a very English hedge.

Vibrant colors!


The lighting and shadows were perfect, but the phone couldn't quite capture it.


Rainy day in a cafe--(Smit & Voogt).

Journaling and sketching new jewelry designs at the cafe.

The PERFECT latte (with a tiny chocolate chip cookie)!

Lunch: toasted herb and gouda sandwich with tomato--(tostis met, tomaat en kaas).

Another rainy day, walking around Jordaan.


So many mushrooms!

So much kaas!  We seriously had so many delicious samples of Dutch cheese on this trip :)

Cutest magnets.  Didn't get one.  Darn.

Bloenmarkt-- (floating flower market).

Poor cold, rain-soaked guy at Bloenmarkt.

Back view of Bloenmarkt.  See?  It floats on the canal!

Cool narrow alley.  Loaded with coffee shops where you can buy pot.  The smell was so strong, you could probably get a contact high.  Amsterdam is crazy.

My cute bike.  I was freezing!

Poor sweetie was so cold too.  But these building were cool!




Feeding some ducks rice cakes on a canal in the Red Light District.

Perfect dinner at the vegetarian restaurant, Golden Temple.

So hungry.

Such a good salad!

Last day, finally sunny again!


Little tug moving a big barge through a narrow canal!

Another one.  It was pretty awesome to watch.

Go, little guy, go!

Super Raf on the Amsterdam sign.


That is me sitting in the D (and some random guy)...Okay, maybe we didn't choose the best section of the Amsterdam sign to take pictures.  Terd.  Haha.

Seriously.  So direct and out in the open and funny (to us).

What an awesome trip this was!  Dear Amsterdam: you are unique and so very beautiful!  xo.