
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


These days around here it is rare to not have a jar or two of homemade granola on our kitchen counter. I eat yogurt and granola at some point in the day most days, and Raf usually eats it plain (by the spoonful) or with almond milk as a snack at night. We go through the stuff pretty quickly. And we both prefer it light and crunchy, barely sweet (granola shouldn't taste like candy, people!), and loaded with a variety of seeds (pepitas-yum!) and nuts. I have been through a lot of trial and error, trying many a recipe, only to find that most are too sweet, oily, heavy, etc...This final recipe has gone through a lot of tweaking, but I think I finally came up with a keeper! Oh, and it smells very, very good while baking...

It doesn't have any sugar (unsweetened applesauce and brown rice/maple syrup only), --but you can add more sweetener if you would like, and no added fats/oils (although nuts and seeds have their fair share). Also, RAW buckwheat groats (I get mine in bulk at Whole Foods) are key, as is sea salt (it adds a pep to the flavors), and you can use any combination of dried fruits and nuts. You can also add raw flake coconut. Remember to not add dried fruits until after it is done baking (it dries them out to much otherwise), and it is best to use raw nuts and seeds (otherwise you are double toasting them--but if that is all you have, then I would add them in at the same time as the fruit). Enjoy and make often!


Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Line two (or more depending on how large yours are--mine are 1 large and 1 medium) baking pans or jelly roll pans (it is very helpful to have pans with sides, as granola will fall of easily when you stir it!) with baking parchment. Set aside.

Dry ingredients--in a very large bowl:

--2 c. rolled oats (not instant)
--2 c. raw buckwheat groats (usually in bulk at a co-op or health food store)
--1 c. puffed brown rice or quinoa (think healthier version of Rice Crispies--also found in bulk at health food stores) (optional--you can also add more oats and/or groats)
--1/4 tsp. sea salt
--4 Tbsp. (or more, if you like) EACH of flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds/pepitas, etc. (raw is best)
--1/2 cup (or more, if you like) raw nuts, broken into small-ish pieces (I usually use cashews, almond, pecans, pistachios, etc.)
--1/4 large flake raw coconut (optional)
--cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger or any spices you want to add, in any amount you want (optional)

Mix all dry in ingredients (except spices) with your hands until well blended. Set aside.

Wet ingredients--in a medium bowl:

--1 c. of unsweetened applesauce (or 2 snack cups, which equal 1 cup)
--1 tsp. vanilla
--scant 1/4 c. brown rice syrup, maple syrup, honey OR agave
--1/4 c. water

Add all wet ingredients and mix until well blended. Poor wet ingredients into bowl of dry ingredients. Mix well with your hands until they feel well combined. Carefully pour the granola onto the lined pans, spreading it out into an even, thin layer. With a spatula, press the granola firmly into the pan. This will help make pieces that stick together into yummy clusters after it bakes a bit. Sprinkle with spices and pop in the oven for 45 minutes to an hour (my oven takes an hour) until it is LIGHTLY browned. About halfway through baking, carefully flip and rotate the granola so that it cooks evenly. Check to make sure it isn't browning too rapidly about 40 minutes in, if it is turn down your oven and monitor it!

Take baked granola out of the oven and let cool. Add dried fruit (and nuts if you only have roasted). Transfer to a sealed container and store in the refrigerator if you will eat it slowly, or you can leave it on the counter if you will eat it up quickly like we do--in about a week or so!

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