
Monday, November 7, 2011


Coconut date rolls! I have loved these for a long time. They are a bit pricey when you buy them packaged. They are easy and cheap when you make them yourself. You need pitted, sticky dates (I bought mine in bulk), unsweetened (raw) shredded coconut--also in bulk, and slivered (raw) almond)--I buy mine from Trader Joe's. My ratio went something like this: 1/2 pound of dates, 1/4 cup of coconut, 1/4 cup of almonds. Whip them up in a food processor until they are a paste/clump in a big ball. Sprinkle more coconut on a plate. Make little ball or log shapes with the paste in your hands (it's messy and sticky!) and roll them in the coconut to lightly coat. If ya feel like it, press an almond piece into the top. Yum! I refrigerate mine. I think they probably freeze well too, if you make a ton.

Our lemon tree was loaded! It was hard to tell because they were all along the back of the tree against the house. More candied peels coming up! (Christmas gifts, ya know?)

I found this really sweet children's book at a local thrift store for 49 cents. It was written/illustrated in the late 1960's, and published in 1970. Anyway, my last grad class was a children's literature course, and it really gave me even more of an appreciation for kid's books ( as an art teacher, I was constantly having my students identify what technique the artist was using to illustrate). The message of this book is really special--finding fun and seeing the beauty in every day things. The colors and paintings are very 60's--I just love vintage children's books. This one makes me super happy!

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