
Thursday, November 17, 2011


LinkI am a full fledged jammer these days. I have made more jam in this past year, I tell you. It's crazy! I wanted to make something using fall fruit, as it is readily available here and I am trying to go with the seasons. My next batch will be a persimmon butter--just you wait... Anyway--I found this recipe for pear butter, and it was super easy and had a ton of flavor. I used local, organic Warren pears. Oh, and I added a bunch of vanilla (I think about 2 Tablespoons). If you have the time, I highly recommend you put this one up!


This was a very, very good lunch! Trader Joe's Middle Eastern Flatbread (lightly toasted with sharp cheddar), hummus, shredded carrots, an heirloom tomato, spinach and avocado. Oh, and a local Warren pear on the side!

Monday, November 7, 2011


Coconut date rolls! I have loved these for a long time. They are a bit pricey when you buy them packaged. They are easy and cheap when you make them yourself. You need pitted, sticky dates (I bought mine in bulk), unsweetened (raw) shredded coconut--also in bulk, and slivered (raw) almond)--I buy mine from Trader Joe's. My ratio went something like this: 1/2 pound of dates, 1/4 cup of coconut, 1/4 cup of almonds. Whip them up in a food processor until they are a paste/clump in a big ball. Sprinkle more coconut on a plate. Make little ball or log shapes with the paste in your hands (it's messy and sticky!) and roll them in the coconut to lightly coat. If ya feel like it, press an almond piece into the top. Yum! I refrigerate mine. I think they probably freeze well too, if you make a ton.

Our lemon tree was loaded! It was hard to tell because they were all along the back of the tree against the house. More candied peels coming up! (Christmas gifts, ya know?)

I found this really sweet children's book at a local thrift store for 49 cents. It was written/illustrated in the late 1960's, and published in 1970. Anyway, my last grad class was a children's literature course, and it really gave me even more of an appreciation for kid's books ( as an art teacher, I was constantly having my students identify what technique the artist was using to illustrate). The message of this book is really special--finding fun and seeing the beauty in every day things. The colors and paintings are very 60's--I just love vintage children's books. This one makes me super happy!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Last night I made scones. They are very quick and easy. I veganized this recipe using earth balance and almond milk and added currants and pistachios and cinnamon on top. They were soooooo good. Sometimes I just use that particular recipe as is (not veganized), but I always make the add-ins interesting. My favorite so far was a fresh strawberry-pistachio-rosewater scone. So many yums...We love tea and scones in the morning. We are just very sophisticated like that. :)

Oh, and that orange, round thing is one of the first persimmons to ripen! We ate it with a spoon! It was delicious! And pumpkin-y! And pudding-y! And sweet! I am definitely going to bake muffins or bread with the other ones...

Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Día de los muertos en Berkeley.

Yay! I went to Berkeley's dia de los muertos celebration tonight and it was really beautiful. There were alters and candles everywhere, there was a Mexican folk dance performance, and lots of people dressed up with face paint and costumes. At the end of the celebration, candles were passed out and the huge group of attendees began a candlelit procession through the city in honor of loved ones passed. It was really cool. I saw my friend Racheal at the end and she told me about the festival in the Mission in San Francisco. I guess it is huge and beautiful and amazing. I think I will go next year...I'm so glad I went tonight.

It was hard to capture the mood of the night with my camera. I tried to take mostly shots without flash, but I really wanted to document the colors and details too, so I reluctantly got a few with.

My candle for the procession.

This couple won the costume contest. They looked perfect!

Racheal with her awesome face paint.


We had a little celebration for Halloween in Capoeira class on Tuesday. We called it Halloweira. Raf wanted to call it Capoween, but Halloweira won :) Anyway, everyone came to class in costume (Raf and I came as our Capoeira names--> Morango (strawberry) and Vento (wind)). Hopefully someone has pictures...Anyway, I wanted to make a treat, and I remembered seeing something similar to these cookies, but in hot pretzel form. I used a vegan almond shortbread recipe, green food coloring, red (gel) food coloring at the bottoms to show blood, and slivered almonds for the nails. They were a hit! And pretty good too. Some people were a little grossed out though...