
Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Our France and Italy trip was wonderful!  We relaxed and walked around and ate and walked around and ate some more.  Paris was really pretty.  It was chilly and cloudy most of the time, and our hotel was not super snazzy (but in a really, really great and central location).  We saw everything we wanted to see in the 3 days we had, and ate croissants, macarons (!), and plenty of stinky cheese and bread.  We ate at two delicious vegetarian restaurants (Saveurs Veget Halles and Loving Hut) and had a romantic picnic near the Eiffel Tower.  It was lovely to just be there together.

The Louvre

The beautiful Pere Lachaise Cemetery (Jim Morrison and Chopin and Edith Piaf and many other famous folks are buried there).

Pretty ceramic flowers on many of the graves.

Chopin's grave.

The fog ate the top of the tower.

Deep in thought.

Mini tower.

Awesome artwork/installation near the tower.

An artist representative from every country in the UN painted a bear for this traveling exhibit to promote peace and unity.  They were amazing!

USA bear!

Arc De Triomphe

Big macaron, little macaron!

Can you tell I am bored with the pictures...let's eat them already--sheesh!  (BRATTY! :)

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