
Sunday, April 22, 2012


I'm so excited to have berry season here already!  And cherries are just around the corner.  Yay!  I am definitely making lots of jam again this year--Raf and I have almost finished our entire stock from last spring/summer (only 2 jars of fig jam left!). 

I bought a container of organic strawberries yesterday on my walk home from work (okay, so I got some gelato too...) with the intention of making a fruity breakfast before heading back to the shop this morning.  I ended up making a not-super-sweet version of my favorite childhood dessert:  strawberry shortcake.  I used Trader Joe's multi-grain baking mix (you could use any biscuit mix or recipe), and whipped up six biscuits in no time (just added almond milk, slivered almonds, and a touch of melted coconut oil to the mix), and baked those babies up in less than 10 minutes.  I washed and sliced (with my handy strawberry slicer!) and whipped cold (the thickest part of the can),full fat coconut milk into a thick cream.  After the biscuits cooled, I plated them up, drizzled them with a bit of maple syrup, topped them with the sliced strawberries, spooned on the coconut milk cream (a couple of tablespoons), and sprinkled more of the slivered almonds on top.  Best served with veggie breakfast sausage and a homemade latte!  So YUM!

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