
Sunday, February 8, 2015


*** Oh my!  I forgot that I wrote this post, probably some time in November?  Anyway, the pictures are just too lovely to not share...Right now it is a freezing cold tundra here and we've been getting snow storm after snow storm (3 big ones in 2 weeks!).  I've almost given up with shoveling out our car!  I have been a bit of a hermit in our apartment on the coldest days (reading, writing, cooking, organizing, painting), but Raf and I still venture out, bundled up, for our night time walks. Winter can really be beautiful too -- especially at night -- when the sky is clear, it is peaceful and quiet, and there is fresh, glittery snow.
Another move and another city.  We've been in Cambridge, MA (where we will be for one year) for about three months, and New England this time of year is beautiful!  It has already started to get pretty cold, but fortunately, we've had a lot of sunny days and some amazing sunsets.  It has also been nice to be closer to some friends and family -- we've had visitors and done some visiting since we've been here, and that has been great.  Most of these photos are on the Harvard campus or out-and-about in Cambridge.

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