
Monday, June 24, 2013


Raf graduated!  He walked in graduation and did all of the things you need to do (paperwork, etc.) and will hand in his dissertation very soon.  His folks came for graduation, which was lovely, and then we all headed off to celebrate in Italy, along with his brother for almost two weeks!  Totally, super awesome (Italy posts coming soon...).  Also, we are MOVING!  In a month, we head off to our new location, New York City (where he got a job)!  It is bittersweet.  We definitely love living in California, and it is going to be very hard to leave, but we're both up for a new adventure.  Plus, it will be pretty amazing to be near the Garment District (where I prefer to shop for jewelry supplies) :).  I made this tofu cheesecake for his graduation.  I combined about 3 different recipes, but forgot to write it down.  Gah!  It turned out really delicious, so I think I will try to recreate it and write it down... at least I have pictures?